Weather Related Virtual


Tech Support: Please contact our Technology Support Center should you experience a technology issue when accessing Teams, or Canvas

This year, Spring-Ford Area School District plans to utilize Virtual or Flexible Instruction Days (FIDs) in case of an emergency closure. A Virtual Day or FID will be used in place of a snow day or other unplanned school closure and eliminate the need for a make-up day because students perform classwork at home. On a weather related Virtual Day, students will complete learning assignments provided by the teacher at home through Canvas.

How will families be notified prior to a weather related Virtual Day being instituted?
When inclement weather seems imminent, SFASD will send out a notification through Skylert to all families and employees that there may be the possibility of poor weather conditions and to prepare for the potential of a Virtual Day. If cancelled during the school day, we will utilize our intercom system to inform teachers to have students take necessary materials home and to plan to log-in to Canvas for their instruction. Upon confirmation of a cancellation, our communications department will send out a Skylert to all families and staff, update our website, and post the information to all of our social media platforms.

How will students continue learning on a Virtual Day?
Students will follow a modified schedule with virtual lessons via Teams synchronously for a portion of each period. All professional staff are expected to provide services, accommodations, and commensurate levels of instruction albeit virtually. Staff are expected to be as prepared as possible in the event of an emergency closure.

How will attendance be recorded on a Virtual Day?
Students must be on Teams at the scheduled time. Attendance will be taken in Teams. If a student is not present in Teams, then they will be marked absent. Attendance will not be taken for study halls.

K-4 Students and Parents:

  • We will make every effort to communicate to K-4 buildings prior to 10:30 a.m. the day before anticipated inclement weather that teachers should send home devices with students. 
  • The following should be sent home with students:
    • Device (Ipad or Chromebook)
    • Teachers should record the Chromebook number given to each student
    • Charge cord