Please take a moment to check your student(s) Health Record on Skyward to ensure they are in compliance with Pennsylvania's immunizations requirements. Students who are not in compliance (do not have the required vaccines) may be excluded after the 5th day of school at the start of the new school year.
To access your student(s) Health Records:
- Log onto Skyward from a laptop or desktop computer (health information can not be accessed through the Skyward app) and select your child’s name. Please note, you will need to repeat these steps for every child currently enrolled at Spring-Ford.
- Click on “Health Info” on the left side of the page
- Students who are out of compliance will see a message at the top of the page, along with a list of the vaccinations needed to start the new school year.
- No further action is needed if there is not a red alert message.
Your physician can provide needed immunizations, or they can complete a medical exemption form if the doctor does not feel that additional vaccines are appropriate for a student to receive. All physician information relating to immunizations should be submitted to your child’s school nurse prior to the start of school.
QUESTION: Skyward indicates my child is out of compliance on the polio vaccination, but when I click on the details, it has dates listed for four doses. Does my child need another dose of Polio?
ANSWER: The State of Pennsylvania requires four doses of Polio. The 4th dose should be administered on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after the previous dose given. A 4th dose is not necessary if the 3rd dose was given after the age of 4 years and and at least 6 months after the previous dose. When determining vaccine compliance for any vaccine, both the number and spacing of doses must be considered.
QUESTION: My child has an appointment scheduled to receive vaccines, what will happen on the first day of school?
ANSWER: If an additional dose or doses are required and are medically appropriate, meaning that there is no medical reason why your child cannot receive the vaccine, the child should receive the vaccine by the 5th day of school. If the child requires additional vaccines after receiving this dose, an appointment card/medical certificate that sets the schedule for the remaining doses in the series should be provided to the school. If unable to receive a vaccine through your doctor's office by the 5th day of school, please consider receiving the vaccine from an urgent car or vaccination clinic. County health departments may also be able to vaccinate your child. Please contact your county health department for more details.