

Welcome to Canvas! Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) used by all Spring-Ford students and teachers grades K-12 as an online support and supplement for face-to-face classes. Canvas allows teachers to manage content, record and measure learning, and communicate with students and families. Students have the ability to connect with their teacher and peers, access activities and assignments and receive feedback. Families will have access to function as "observers" of the course, which allows them to view work pertaining to their individual student(s).


Click here to log into Canvas as a parent (observer). Note, the parent (observer) site is different from the student site. 

Canvas isn't working on Safari or IE! Canvas is a web-based program, the system does work best on the Chrome browser. Click here to download Chrome.

I have multiple children, do I need to create multiple parent (observer) accounts? Nope! Parents can create one account, then pair to each child. Click the Parent Login Information drop down for more information, or click here for a helpful video explaining the process.

We need more than one parent account, is that possible? Absolutely! Families can have separate accounts, simply follow the steps in the Parent Login Information drop down to create additional parent accounts. Note: parent accounts require a different email accounts.

Is there an app? Yes! Canvas has both an Android and iOS app. Search "Canvas Parent" in your app store.

Do I have to make a new account each year? Nope! Once you've paired your student to your account, you will be able to see their courses every year. No need to make a new account or relink each year.

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