Reporting Information
The Spring-Ford Area School District believes strongly that a successful child is one that has support from both Parents/Guardians and their School. Working together, we can help each and every child be successful. We encourage parents/guardians to reach out to the person closest to the question/concern - teacher, coach, principal, advisor, etc. - because they have the greatest ability to work with you to change or adequately inform you on your question/concern. If you need additional support or assistance, please use the resources below.
Homeless Act: McKinney Vento
About Homeless Act-McKinney Vento Act: The McKinney–Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act guarantees a free and appropriate public education for all homeless children and youth. B.E.C. 42 U.S.C. 11431 outlines procedures for deciding school placement, enrolling students, and determining responsibility. Federal and state laws make our responsibility clear. With the huge number of homeless children currently attending Philadelphia public schools, we must provide proper educational support and services.
McKinney-Vento Act Basics At-a-Glance:
What is the definition of a “homeless youth” under McKinney-Vento? “Homeless” is defined as “anyone lacking a fixed, adequate, regular nighttime residence.”
What situations fit this definition?
- Staying in the home of other people due to unavailable housing, financial hardship, or similar circumstances
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks (in some instances – examples: leaking roof, no heat, etc.), public places, or campgrounds due to unavailable suitable housing options
- Living in an emergency shelter or transitional housing
- Unaccompanied (not living in direct care of legal parent or guardian) or runaway youth
- Refugee and migrant youth
How does McKinney-Vento help these students? The law makes sure that these students receive a free and suitable public education by removing barriers to school enrollment and full, basic, daily participation in school activities. This includes:
- Immediate enrollment
- Free and Reduced School Lunch
- Help from school with any necessary enrollment documents
- Help from school setting up transportation service (if the student qualifies)
- Help from school with getting basic uniform clothing
- Help from school with basic school supplies
- Help from school with any basic clothing needs
- Help from school with basic high school graduation needs and expenses
Where can I find more information for Pennsylvania? You can visit the PA Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness site.
Contact Information:
Julie Caterson, MSS, LCSW
Reporting to Child Abuse Tip Line
The purpose of this community announcement is to provide guidelines and directions to those persons, both professional and lay, in understanding, detecting and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.
Pennsylvania law encourages everyone to report suspicions of child physical, sexual, mental abuse or neglect, in order to protect children. Your report can be made anonymously, but by providing your name you add credibility to the report and assure that contact is possible, if additional information is needed on behalf of the children. All reports are confidential under penalty of law which prohibits release of information which would identify a reporter. There are many mandated reporters, including educators, however we cannot report on hearsay.
Anyone reporting child abuse or neglect in good faith is provided civil and criminal immunity from legal liability that otherwise might result by reason of such action.
As much of the following information should be gathered in preparation for the call:
- Child’s name and age (D.O.B. if possible)
- Child’s present location and the county where abuse occurred
- Names, address, phone # of the child’s parent(s) or guardianName, address and phone # of the suspected abuser
- Name and phone # of anyone who may have witnessed the abuse
- Account of what happened, when the incident occurred, description of any injury to the child
- and why you suspect the child was abused or neglected.
What Happens Once a Report Has Been Made? The office of Children & Youth caseworker investigating the report will inform the custodial parent and investigate the situation.
Contact Information Provided by:
Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth : 610-278-5800
Pa. Child Abuse Hotline: Childline : 800- 932-0313
(Operates seven days a week, 24 hours a day)
Local Police Departments: Limerick 610-495-7909; Royersford 610-948-3333
Spring-Ford Area School District Residency Tip Line
The Spring-Ford School District has established a Residency Tip Line. This line allows the public to anonymously provide information on students who are attending District schools but who may not be legal residents of Spring-Ford. If you have any information regarding students who may be illegally attending our schools, please call the tip line. All serious reports will be investigated.
Anonymous Tip Line: 610-705-6050 |
Right to Know Request
The Spring-Ford Area School District's Public Records Policy was revised on April 27, 2009
Click to view the Open Records Policy – Policy 801
All Right to Know Law Requests must be submitted in person, by mail, by fax or by email to the Open Records Officer:
Mr. Robert Rizzo
Superintendent - Open Records Officer
Spring-Ford Area School District
857 South Lewis Road
Royersford, PA 19468
(610) 705-6220
(610) 705-6244
Right To Know Law Requests can be submitted on the Spring-Ford Area School District's Standard Request Form, The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records Standard Request Form or in writing as long as the request contains the information required by law.
Click here to print the Right to Know form.
All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records:
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234
Suggestion Box
The Suggestion Box is Open for Spring-Ford Families and Community Members!
The Spring-Ford Area School District believes strongly that a successful child is one that has support from both Parents/Guardians and their School. Working together, we can help each and every child be successful. Spring-Ford Area School District strives to be educationally relevant, focused on achievement and growth, and have a priority on people so that students are fully prepared to positively contribute to their society. We encourage parents/guardians to reach out to the person closest to the question/concern - teacher, coach, principal, advisor, etc. - because they have the greatest ability to work with you to change or adequately inform you on your question/concern. If you need additional support or would like to submit a suggestion you may use the form below. We look forward to working together on behalf of your student.
Please complete the form below and, if requested, the appropriate staff member will be in touch within two business days. For school-specific, non-emergency related questions or concerns, please follow these guidelines: