Volunteer Information
Whether you are a first-timer or a returning volunteer, we are so happy you are here! Volunteers provide an extra layer of support, bring in fresh ideas and talents, and are an invaluable addition to our educational team. We have lots of volunteer opportunities available at every level. We encourage you to find the right fit for your interests and availability.
We collect all volunteer application through Raptor Volunteer Management System. See below for all paperwork and application requirements.
Substantial Contact Volunteer
Direct contact time may include, but is not limited to, coaching and/or assisting with an athletic team or musical performing group, advising an extracurricular activity, chaperoning an overnight field trip or competition, and/or providing supplemental assistance to a student, without direct supervision by a school district employee.
A volunteer in this category may or will reasonably have direct contact with a student(s) while performing his/her volunteer service without direct supervision by a school district employee.
Limited Contact Volunteer
Limited Contact volunteers include, but are not limited to, chaperones for single day field trips, working events with home and school and other parent organizations, working in the concession stand or similar role, serving as a daily classroom, library or office assistant and/or assisting with classroom or building special events.
A volunteer in this category is in the range of volunteers who may perform a role with little to no contact with students, indirect contact with students, direct contact with students up to roles with or in close proximity to a school district employee while performing his/her volunteer service and there is NO time when the volunteer is alone with a student or in a secluded, isolated or remote area with a student without a school district employee being present.
Requirements for all Spring-ford area school district Volunteers:
1. PA Child Abuse Clearance FREE- Act 151
- Visit PA Child Abuse Clearance
- Create a login (Keystone ID)
- Apply for clearance
- Download/print your results once you receive them. You may also receive your results by mail within 14 days.
2. PA Criminal History Clearance FREE- Act 34
- Apply online at PA State Police site: Pennsylvania Access To Criminal History
- Download/print your results immediately or as soon as they are available.
3. TB Risk Assessment Form: All volunteers must complete this form in its entirety.
- Check appropriate box for your risk assessment
- Fill in: Name, Birth Date, Name of Provider and Date of Assessment
4A.Volunteer Affidavit: If you have lived in PA for the last 10 years and do not plan to be a substantial volunteer.
4B. FBI Criminal History Clearance: If you have not been a resident of PA for the last 10 years OR YOU INTEND TO BE A SUBSTANTIAL VOLUNTEER you will need to apply for FBI Criminal History Clearance through IdentoGO. The Department of Human Services or Department of Education versions are both valid for volunteering purposes. You will need to upload the report you receive from IdentoGO. The receipt is not sufficient. The cost is $25 and you will need the service code: 1KG6ZJ.
- Enter your service code: 1KG6ZJ
- Complete registration process
- Select a location & appointment time.
- Print the pre-enrollment form to take to your appointment.
- You will receive your results via email, please download this copy and submit it in your Raptor application.
- All prospective volunteers must complete an online application in Raptor our online Volunteer Management System and upload the required clearances/paperwork. Then, your application will be reviewed within 14 days of submission.
Volunteer Contact
Kimberly Magers- Office of Human Resources
Contact Information:
610-705-6083 volunteerclearances@spring-ford.net
As outlined in Spring-Ford Area School Districts Board Policy 916: A volunteer is defined as any individual who performs a service for the school district without compensation, remuneration or other consideration and who otherwise meets the requirements of this policy. A volunteer must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. A volunteer need not be a parent/ guardian of a student enrolled in the school district.
To read the full Board Policy Click Here