Sign Garden

In an effort to support Spring-Ford’s community organizations, SFASD has installed five areas throughout the district in which non-profit community organizations may place their yard sign. The Sign Garden is a mulched area on the school property close to the road. Yard signs are not permitted on grassy areas of the school property. All signs must be approved in advance by the Director of Communications, Marketing, and Media. Signs placed without approval will be removed and discarded.

SFASD Sign Garden


The District asks that organizations please follow these guidelines:

  • Only organizations that fall under Spring-Ford Area School District’s Use of Facilities Class IA, Class IB, or Class II may apply.
  • Signs may remain in the Sign Garden for up to one month. Note that the month-long period will go from a date in one month to the same date in the next month (i.e.: September 15-October 15). If an expiration date falls on a weekend, the sign will be removed the next workday.
  • The District must approve all signs before placing them in the “sign garden.” To obtain approval, please include a sample sign with the application form. 
  • If approved, signs should be delivered to the District Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. 
  • All signs must be staked yard signs and may not exceed 3’ x 2’. Signs exceeding these dimensions will not be approved.
  • Content of signs may not include or advertise tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons; contain vulgar and plainly offensive, obscene, or sexually explicit language; advocate the violation of law or district policy; advance any religious or political organization; advance any philosophy inconsistent with the health, safety and welfare of children; advance any program and/or activity in violation of the national, state and local standards and/or the district’s curriculum and/or standards of conduct which shall include advocating positions that may create controversy in the public or the school based on the philosophy therein; promote, favor, or oppose a candidate for elected office or a ballot measure; be associated with any company or individual whose actions are inconsistent with the district’s mission and goals or community values; or otherwise be in violation of law. Final approval is at the discretion of the Spring-Ford Area School District. (Guidelines based on Policy 910)
  • Once the sign is approved, an “Approval Sticker” will be placed on the sign and the sign will be placed in the appropriate location. Signs placed without the sticker will be removed immediately and discarded.
  • The Spring-Ford Area School District will remove signs from the sign garden(s) once the requested time has expired. Organizations that want to preserve their sign(s) for future use must remove them from the sign garden(s) at least two days before the expiration date after 4 p.m. We will not hold signs for pickup at a later time.