Media Center
Brooke Media Center
Media Center Curriculum
These lessons are supplemented by a number of hands on activities based on stories presented through the year ranging from using puppets, flannel board and Velcro props, audio-visual aids such as videos, sound filmstrips, books with cassettes, overhead transparencies, educational games, computer software, research websites, etc. The following is a general breakdown of the curriculum covered by the Media Specialist in lessons throughout the year.
- Care of library books and materials
- Media Center procedures and behavior
- Easy book arrangement
- Develop literature appreciation, listening and comprehension skills through storytelling
- Learning specific authors and books
- Difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Identifying the parts of a book
- Utilization of basic audio-visual equipment
- Magazine contents
All of the preceding areas are covered as well as:
- The Caldecott Award Books and puzzles
- The Reference collection - both print and electronic
- Folktales from around the world
- Computerized card catalog arrangement
- Biography books
- Book talks, book reviews, and reports
- Review fiction and non-fiction
- Review the parts of a book
- Publishing process
- Special projects
- Research report writing
- Literature appreciation
- Newbery Award
- Computerized card catalogue arrangement
- Reference collection- encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlases - print and electronic
- Book talks and discussions
- Poetry appreciation
- Magazine collection
- Review fiction and non-fiction
- Introduction to bibliography
- Outline
- Biography
- Research reports writing
- Book revision and reports
- Student research website
Media Center Links
Media Center Staff
Welcome to the Brooke Media Center!
My name is Mary DeAngelis, and this is my fifth year as a Library Media Specialist at Brooke Elementary School. My degrees and professional certifications are:
- B.A., Anthropology and Environmental Studies,
- University of Pennsylvania, 1986
- M.S., Library and Information Science, Drexel University, 1996
- PA Teacher Certification, Environmental Education, Grades K-12
- PA Teacher Certification, Library Media Specialist, Grades K-12
My prior teaching experience and awards include:
- Spring-Ford Environmental Education Teacher, 2004-2011
- Perkiomen Watershed Teaching Excellence Award, 2008
- Voices of Inspiration Award, Spring-Ford School District 2010
- Beta Pi Mu - Library and Information Studies Honor Society, inducted 1996
- Cornell Lab Of Ornithology, BirdSleuth Teacher Ambassador 2013-2014
Policy & Procedure
The Brooke Media Center supports all students and faculty to meet their literacy and informational needs. The Media Center purchases books and audio-visual materials on a yearly basis to supplement the school's curriculum and for enrichment. All classes visit the Media Center once per 6-day cycle for instruction and book selection and are permitted to check out books at that time.
Book Exchange
Kindergarten and First Grade students are allowed to check out one book every six-day cycle, while Second through Fourth Grades are permitted to check out two books for a six-day cycle. The books must then be returned or renewed. Brooke students are strongly encouraged to return their books on time. A weekly tally is kept for all of the classes and a special award is presented at the end of the school year to the class with the best record of returning all their books on time. The Media Center does not charge a fine for overdue books. However, if a book is overdue more than one month, students will not be permitted to check out additional books. If a book is lost or damaged, the student must reimburse the Media Center for the cost of the book. If the book is found after reimbursement, the cost will be refunded.
The Brooke Media Center houses approximately 17,500 books, eBooks, DVDs, and videotapes. The Media Center is also home to several online encyclopedias and reference tools that are available to students and teachers for current research. Some of these reference tools are the Access Pennsylvania Power Library, which is a database of thousands of educational resources such as reference, magazines, pictures, newspapers, encyclopedias, almanacs, maps and more; and World Book enyclopedias with current, readable and outstanding graphics. Students may use The World Book Online Encyclopedia is on their home computers using a login and password available in the Media Center.
Media Center Resources
WBRK-TV is Brooke’s very own television station, which is broadcast to the entire school each morning. Our staff consists two permanent 4th grade helpers, five 4th graders who rotate from week to week by classroom and two 1st graders who rotate daily from all the first grades. Every 4th grader and every 1st grader is given the opportunity to be on-air personalities.
Each 4th grader rotates between a variety of positions: on-air personality, director, sound person, and camera operator. Our permanent helpers assist in training the weekly staff in their responsibilities. The 1st graders present the weather daily. The news consists of birthdays, special school announcements, and “on this day” news. Occasionally, we have special guests or features, such as the Good Manners News or Wellness Wednesday.
Our Brooke students do an excellent job every day presenting the news in a fun, professional manner.