About Royersford ES
Community-Based School – Many Royersford Elementary students are within walking distance to the school. However, due to safety considerations, approximately 35% of our students are eligible for bus transportation.
Accessible - The school’s motto, “Parents, Students and Staff: Working Together” accurately captures our mission. In order to be successful, we have to work together. Being accessible to parents is a necessary component to achieving our mission. Regular communication takes place through homework books, telephone calls which teachers can make and receive from their classrooms, an in-house voice mail system which directs calls 24 hours a day and includes an Information Center, and all staff e-mail.
Family Atmosphere - Visitors remark about the welcoming atmosphere of the school. The staff is friendly and willing to help. Parents are encouraged to volunteer…to get involved…and become part of the family. Monthly “school spirit” days are held to bring us closer together as a school family. The children look forward to these special days and often select them as one of their favorite aspects of the school. It is also important to us to communicate that we are part of a larger whole. Other community service activities focus on giving and helping those who are less fortunate.
Cohesiveness and Stability of the Staff - While there is a balance between experienced and recently hired classroom teachers, more than half of our staff have spent a majority of their educational careers at Royersford Elementary. Commonly scheduled planning time and a desire to work as a team, enable each grade level to provide the most effective education possible.
Reputation - Our students consistently receive positive comments and compliments on their abilities and behavior from educational trip hosts, assembly presenters and visitors to the building. We concentrate on teaching the skills necessary for our students to demonstrate good manners as well as positive character qualities. High expectations are maintained for academic achievement as well as behavior. Our students have consistently attained Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) on the state-administered PSSA tests in 3rd and 4th grade, since the beginning of the collection of test data by the state.
Pro-Social Skills – For more than 15 years, and through a variety of programs our school has focused on character qualities. Our current pro-social skills program was formulated 6 years ago and teaches a variety of life-long skills. Pro-social skills lessons are taught weekly in each classroom and students, (Gr. 1-4), who exemplify these skill areas are given the opportunity to make the “Good Choice Team” each Friday. This program encourages our students to “Stop & Think” before making decisions and also teaches ways in which they can “Make Good Choices”. Our building’s discipline plan is closely tied to the pro-social skills program.
Community Resources - Across the playground from the school is the Bard Community Center. Formerly the Fourth Avenue Building of Royersford Elementary, this facility houses the Royersford Free Public Library, the Spring-Ford Area Historical Society, and Project Outreach. Our school has a close working relationship with all three organizations and our students participate in activities that involve each one.
Modern Facility - Renovated during 1992-93, our building provides a cheerful and bright location that is flexible as well as conducive to educational activities. The school serves as one of the main points of focus for the community, and the building is used by outside groups on every night during the week. We encourage our students to take pride in their school and participate in keeping it in top shape.
Pro-Social Committee
Chair/Co-Chair: Kristen Crescenzo and Steve Mes |
Kindergarten Rep: TBD |
1st Grade Rep: Katie Vaccaro & Annalise Hahn |
2nd Grade Rep: Vicki Ellis |
3rd Grade Rep: Lisa Brooks |
4th Grade Rep: Dina Preston & Suzanne Thompson |
Special Education Rep: TBD |
Specialist Rep: Carrie Kehl |
Instructional Assistant Rep: TBD |
Teresa Carboy, Ed.D., Principal
Phone: 610-705-6005
Mrs. Amy James, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 610-705-6005, ext. 2540
Mrs. Susan Trainor, Secretary
Phone: 610-705-6005, ext. 2541
Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
School Hours: 9 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
Kindergarten AM: 9 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.
Kindergarten PM: 1 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.