Both the student and the parent/guardian must read the following Parking/Driving Regulations. You both will need to confirm you have read and understand them by checking the appropriate box when you complete the Parking Permit application.
Driving to Spring-Ford High School is a privilege, not a right. The following rules must be observed when driving on school property. Failure to abide by these rules will result in additional school and /or vehicle sanctions.
- Any student who wants to drive to Spring-Ford High School (10-12 Center) in a private vehicle must have a completed parking permit application through SchoolPay which will be on file with the School Police Department.
- Students must register all vehicles which they drive to school.
- Students must display the assigned parking hang tag in their rearview mirror at all times when parked on school grounds.
- Vehicles which are illegally parked or without a visible parking permit will face the following consequences:
- 1st Offense: A warning notice will be placed on the student’s vehicle and the vehicle information will be stored into a database
- 2nd Offense: A “boot” will be placed onto the vehicle, and 5 demerits will be assigned to the vehicle operator when the “boot” is removed. Parents will be contacted and discipline information will be recorded.
- 3rd Offense: (and all subsequent offenses) A “boot” will be placed onto the vehicle and a $15 parking ticket will be issued to the vehicle’s owner when the “boot” is removed. The ticket must be paid within 15 days or a state citation will be issued to the vehicle owner from Spring-Ford’s police officer.
- Cars must be parked within a parking space. Diagonal parking across spaces is prohibited.
- Vehicles shall not be used during the school day (7:39-2:20) except with the prior permission of a school administrator.
- Vehicles must be driven or ridden in a proper, safe manner while on school grounds at all times. The speed limit is 5 miles per hour in the school driveways and lots.
- Special care must be exercised by operators of vehicles while busses are loading and unloading. Driving in the bus area is prohibited.
- The front driveway is closed to all traffic except buses and deliveries.
- There shall be no passing at any time on school property. Loitering in cars is prohibited.
- School authorities have the right to search a student’s car when reasonable suspicion exists.
- Any incident of reckless driving will be referred to the school police for disposition.
- Applications and fees can be processed through SchoolPay. Students will receive their actual permits during the first weeks of school.
- Seniors will park in the lots closest to the auditorium entrance while all underclassmen will park in the parking lot closest to Lewis Road and at the 9th Grade Center Parking Lot.
- The school cannot be held liable for any thefts or damage to vehicles. Any incidents of this nature must be handled by the individual(s).
- Student and Parent/Guardian will acknowledge reading the Parking/Driving Rules in SchoolPay.