Student Assistance Program
The SFHS Student Assistance Team is a group of counselors and teachers who have been specially trained to identify, support and provide referrals for students who are experiencing difficulty. Counselors from Creative Health Services and Spring-Ford Counseling Services are also on the SAP Team.
The goal of the SAP Team is to identify, intervene, support and assist in the referral of students who are dealing with issues which pose a barrier to their learning and school success. These include substance abuse, violence prevention, eating disorders, grief and loss, youth depression, and problems in the family.
How is a referral made?
If you are concerned about a student, a friend or even yourself, complete the initial referral form that is found in the IPCs, the Guidance Office, the Media Center and the Health Suite. Please report specific, observable behaviors. Referrals will remain confidential. Place the completed form in the locked box in the health suite or deliver it in
a sealed envelope to one of the SAP team members. You may call the Guidance Office (610-705-6001) with a referral.
What do I look for?
Look for observable behaviors in any of the following areas: health, attendance, behavior, or academic performance. Here are some signs of possible problems: